growth track

Growth Track is a catalyst to help you learn about what it means to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. It's designed to provide you with the tools necessary to make this happen in your life. 

From the initial decision to accept Jesus as your Lord to your final destination in life-changing ministry, we help lead you from where you are to a fulfilling role using your unique gifts, skills, and personality.

Growth Track is for anyone 12 years or older. Sessions are offered several times per year. You can jump in at any level, or work your way through in order.

Email for more info.


Discover FreeChurch

Learn the basics about the Church, get an introduction to, and find out how to make this your church.

Find Your Place

Uncover how YOU are uniquely designed by God and how you can leverage your uniqueness for His service.

safety track

We take your child's safety seriously, and are willing to take extra steps to ensure that all of our volunteers are trained and screened prior to plugging into any children's ministry.

If you're interested in volunteering with kids, you'll need to complete the following requirements:

  • Growth Track
  • Safety Track
  • Background Check
  • Application

This curriculum will ensure that you're familiar with our policies and ready to respond to any need that arises in and out of the classroom.