Higher Things

Jesus' most famous message, the Sermon on the Mount, outlines exactly what it takes to be a disciple. 

Get ready to elevate your mind.

Theme Verse:  

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  (Colossians 3:2)

More Messages

  • WEEK 1:

    A gut-check for disciples

    If you're a follower of Jesus, how are you doing as a disciple? Find out the key characteristics of what it takes to follow Christ. 

  • WEEK 2:

    Counting the cost

    The disciples may have thought they were joining Jesus to change the world, but then he starts talking about being poor, meek, and getting ready for persecution. Is this what they signed up for? If you're a Christian, is this what you signed up for?

  • WEEK 3:

    Salt & Light

    Jesus told his disciples they were to be salt and light to the world. What does that mean for us today? Watch to find out.

  • WEEK 4:

    The plan for humanity

    Sometimes we get so caught up in the human rules of religion that we end up missing the point. Jesus came to challenge the culture and rules of religion. How do his challenges affect us today? Watch to find out.

  • WEEK 5:

    Angry murderers

    Ever lose your temper? Blow a gasket? Gone off the rails? Find out what Jesus says about anger and how it may be more serious than you think.

  • WEEK 6:

    Adultery vs faithfulness

    Adultery and divorce are all too common these days. Watch to find out how to keep your marriage and/or relationships strong.

  • WEEK 7:

    the oath

    How truthful are you? Does your "yes" actually mean yes or do you sometimes make things up to swing circumstances favorably in your direction? Find out why God calls us to be honest.

  • WEEK 8:

    going the extra mile

    Does turning the other cheek mean we, as Christians, are supposed let people walk all over us like doormats? Where's the justice in that? Watch to find out what Jesus was actually saying. 

  • WEEK 9:

    Love Your Haters

    Jesus commands us to love our enemies, but that's easier said then done. What's surprising is how hatred actually affects us more than it affects our enemies.